Directed by: Quentin Tarantino

I feel like I may be cheating a little bit here including both Kill Bill films as my number 9 pick of the decade but I do believe that they are essentially the same movie and ultimately equal in quality of entertainment, technical brilliance and all-around Tarantino-esque. Any time I'm faced with the question of which volume is the superior film, I am either unable to respond confidently or I find myself switching back and forth. This tells me that Tarantino made what is very possibly (I'm not 100% convinced yet) his best movie and just split it up into two parts. I'm often criticized for not liking Tarantino's movies when I first see them. It happened this year with Inglorious Basterds, but knowing that I didn't love Kill Bill when I first saw it tells me that it takes me some getting used to. No question about it... Kill Bill grew on me, and grew on me fast.
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